Writing code in Python is fun, but it’s been my daily driver for a while now and I wanted to try some new languages out and see what I’ve been missing. Go and Rust have been at the top of my list; the former because I interact with it from time to time designing Kubernetes infrastructure, and the latter because it’s been a long time since I’ve built anything in a low-level language like C or C++.
In this post I'll describe both the initial setup as well as the general workflow that I use when adding content to this website. For context, from 2018 - 2019, I configured my GitHub User Site via GitHub Pages to host my personal website for free, using a domain purchased from NameCheap. One year ago, I decided to change the tech stack to something more recent and interesting to work with. If you're interested in Hugo, hopefully this gives you an idea of what it looks like from start to finish.
Has quarantine got you down? Do you wish you could travel back in time to 2007, when Macbooks cost less than $1,000 and only bulge bracket banks and a handful of hedge funds knew about the impending global financial crisis? If you played RuneScape in the mid-to-late 2000’s, you can relive the nostalgia on Old School RuneScape (OSRS), which is what I’ve been doing with friends to pass the time recently.
This is a recent code challenge that I found thought-provoking. The idea is to simulate the digestion of real-time data via TCP, label the data points with a binary signal, and return messages when a data point is labeled as activated. So, a running .jar file acts as the TCP server which generates the raw data and exposes it on a given port, and our goal is to develop a method to label the data in a sane manner and return it as quickly as possible.
Kubernetes has become a popular but divisive technology over the last few years. A quick search on HackerNews will show discussions on everything between use of the tool constituting a cult and how it can be used to reduce AWS EC2 costs by up to 80%. Regardless of anyone’s personal opinion, the container orchestration system has an increasingly prevalent role in containerization and production deployments. About a year ago I first began tinkering with the idea of writing Python code with the client library to learn more about what happens when pods, jobs, and networking fail in different ways.
Kubernetes has maintained a position in the spotlight of cloud infrastructure ever since Google donated it to the CNCF in 2015. In a search to strengthen the robustness of my personal Kubernetes clusters I experiment on, I looked for an open-source suite of chaos engineering tools. Gremlin is a firm founded by some of the engineers at Netflix who originally coined the term ‘chaos engineering’, and their product certainly has the most complete set of features, but in terms of open-source projects there were four major options to consider: